Happy Australia Day 2018!
Dear AustCham Members, Friends and all Australians,
AustCham Mongolia Team would like to wish The Hon @John Langtry, Ambassador from Australia to Mongolia, Australian Embassy in Mongolia, Mongolia Australia Society – Mozzies Association, Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) , each and every Australian expats and fellow Australian Chambers of Commerce #worldwide a Sparkling Australia Day 2018 !! ?
We are proud to celebrate this day as it marks the People’s togetherness that have stayed on the land of Australia for many years or who have come from every corner and call Australia their own home. The National Flag, when it flutters, makes Australians feel proud of being citizens of this nation which has so beautifully come out of all the negativity and secured a place for itself in the international arena.
Cheers to you all,
AustCham Mongolia