Australia Mongolia Extractives Program

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The Government of Mongolia and the Government of Australia have partnered for the Australia Mongolia Extractives Program (AMEP) to assist Mongolia to sustainably manage its resource-led growth. After a successful first phase of the program between 2015 – 2019, the second phase of the program commenced on 1 April 2019 with an expanded scope and set of stakeholders.

The intended end of program outcome of AMEP 2 is to promote the enabling environment for investment in the extractives sector that is essential to future growth. The program approach is based on the premise that for sustained and transparent improvements to the environment for investment to occur, there needs to be a collaboration between the principal stakeholders with interests in the extractives industry. This objective is therefore expressed as:

Government, civil society, and the private sector collaborating to improve the investment environment for the extractives sector in Mongolia.

Sector: Advisory

Type: SME


Phone: +976 70008595



Address: Temple View Residence, Suite 2A, 1st khoroo, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia