“Invest in Mongolia” One stop service center (OSSC)
“Invest in Mongolia” One stop service center (OSSC) has been opened in February 2019 to promote foreign investors favorable conditions, set forth for them in legal investment framework, streamline public services, minimize the resolution of some services, eliminate the difficulties that investors are facing.
The Center provides all public services of State Registration, Social Insurance, Taxation, and Immigration organizations as well as other relevant ministries and public institutions which are related to foreign invested entities in Mongolia through A Single Window system.
The main services provided at the Center are:
- Provide information and advisory services on investment legal framework
- Investment tax and non-tax incentives
- SIRM /Systemic Investor Response mechanism/ - Maintain an e-system for Investor’s grievance related to the public services
- Provide all advisory and procedural services of registration, verification of legal entity, amendments, reference, description, investor's card, and other services to the legal entity with foreign investment
- Provide tax information and advice, registration of taxpayer, digital signature, reference, description, tax statement, tax collection of motor vehicles of foreign invested companies and investors
- Provide information and advice related to visa, visa issuance, residence permission, temporary visitor’s registration, and visa extension etc.
- Provide information and advice related to social insurance registration, reference, and receipts of statements from foreign invested companies.